Introducing the ESCx Tattoo Power Supply...
The Tattcom ESCx, Electronic Speed Control tattoo power supply brings unparalleled consistency to your tattooing experience. 3 years of intense R&D and testing has resulted in the development of the most advanced and feature packed tattoo power supply on the market today. With features such as Bluetooth connectivity for touch less voice control and wireless firmware updates, configurable machine banks, and machine run and session timers the ESCx is a tool built with the tattoo artist in mind.
High Speed Tattoo Ink Deposition
August 6, 2023| Aaron Williams| 2545| 5
High speed video showing tattoo ink deposition
Physics of a tattoo line
November 29, 2022| Aaron Williams| 3929| 6
See how a tattoo needle forms a line of ink in the skin.
ESCX Main Unit Assembly
November 22, 2022| Aaron Williams| 2845| 2
See how the ESC/x Power Supply is born from a pile of parts.